
To facilitate identification of author in the literature, I combined my two parent names (Allassonnière and Tang) starting from 2020. As an overview, since 2017, my publications include 43 articles, 8 book chapters, 2 books, and 8 papers in conference proceedings.


  1. Evolutionary pathways of complexity in gender systems
    Olena Shcherbakova, and Marc Allassonnière-Tang
    Journal of Language Evolution 2024
  2. How network structure shapes languages: Disentangling the factors driving variation in communicative agents
    Mathilde Josserand, Marc Allassonnière-Tang, François Pellegrino, and 2 more authors
    Cognitive Science 2024
  3. LA80: A Lexical Database of 10 Bantu A80 Languages
    Tessa Vermeir, Marc Allassonnière-Tang, and Guillaume Segerer
    Journal of Open Humanities Data 2024
  4. The meaning of morphomes: distributional semantics of Spanish stem alternations
    Borja Herce, and Marc Allassonnière-Tang
    Linguistics Vanguard 2024
  5. Vowel alternation with final i offers an easy-to-learn morphological option for a sex-blind grammatical gender in French
    Marie-Claude Marsolier, Pris Touraille, and Marc Allassonnière-Tang
    Frontiers in Psychology 2024
  6. Revisiting the automatic prediction of lexical errors in Mandarin
    Marc Allassonnière-Tang, and I-Ping Wan
    Linguistics Vanguard 2024
  7. ‘Reflexemes’ – a first cross-linguistic insight into how and why reflexive constructions encode emotions
    Alex Stephenson, Maïa Ponsonnet, and Marc Allassonnière-Tang
    STUF - Language Typology and Universals 2024
  8. Early humans out of Africa had only base-initial numerals
    One-Soon Her, Yung-Ping Liang, Eugene Chan, and 3 more authors
    Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 2024
  9. Semantic and Phonological Distances in Free Word Association Tasks
    Marc Allassonnière-Tang, I.-Ping Wan, and Chainwu Lee
    In Chinese Lexical Semantics 2024


  1. Phylogenetic analyses for the origin of sortal classifiers in Mongolic, Tungusic, and Turkic languages
    Marc Allassonnière-Tang, Zhong-Liang Gao, Shen-An Chen, and 1 more author
    Concentric 2023
  2. Variation du genre des substantifs dans les dialectes gallo-romans. Étude exploratoire
    Guylaine Brun-Trigaud, Maguelone Sauzet, and Marc Allassonnière-Tang
    Géolinguistique 2023
  3. Nominal classification in Asia and Oceania: Functional and diachronic perspectives
    Marc Allassonnière-Tang, and Marcin Kilarski
    In John Benjamins 2023
  4. Nominal classification in Assamese: An analysis of function
    Pori Saikia, and Marc Allassonnière-Tang
    In Current Issues in Linguistic Theory 2023
  5. Why we need a gradient approach to word order
    Natalia Levshina, Savithry Namboodiripad, Marc Allassonnière-Tang, and 12 more authors
    Linguistics 2023
  6. L’apport des données participatives pour l’étude linguistique des français du monde : le cas de l’opposition /a∼ɑ/
    Mathilde Hutin, and Marc Allassonnière-Tang
    Journal of French Language Studies 2023
  7. Idéer une catégorie épicène et la matérialiser cohéremment dans la langue. Une nécessité épistémologique autant que politique
    Priscille Touraille, and Marc Allassonnière-Tang
    In Qu’est-ce qu’une femme ? Catégories homme/femme : débats contemporains 2023
  8. Investigating the Syntax-Discourse Interface in the Phonetic Implementation of Discourse Markers
    Mathilde Hutin, Liesbeth Degand, and Marc Allassonnière-Tang
    In Proc. INTERSPEECH 2023 2023
  9. Intra- and inter-speaker variation in eight Russian fricatives
    Natalja Ulrich, François Pellegrino, and Marc Allassonnière-Tang
    The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 2023
  10. A corpus-based quantitative study of numeral classifiers in Nepali
    Krishna Parajuli, and Marc Allassonnière-Tang
    Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory 2023


  1. Defining numeral classifiers and identifying classifier languages of the world
    One-Soon Her, Harald Hammarström, and Marc Allassonnière-Tang
    Linguistics Vanguard 2022
  2. The noncausal/causal alternation and genealogical affiliation: Quantitative testing in three Niger-Congo language families
    Marc Allassonnière-Tang, Stéphane Robert, and Sylvie Voisin
    Linguistique et Langues Africaines 2022
  3. On Taiwanese Universities’ Two–One Academic Dismissal Policies: A Quantitative Fairness Analysis of the Four Policies of National Chengchi University
    One-Soon Her, Jie-Wen Tsai, and Marc Allassonnière-Tang
    Journal of Educational Research and Development 2022
  4. Predicting grammatical gender in Nakh languages: Three methods compared
    Jesse Wichers Schreur, Marc Allassonnière-Tang, Kate Bellamy, and 1 more author
    Linguistic Typology at the Crossroads 2022
  5. Operation LiLi: Using Crowd-Sourced Data and Automatic Alignment to Investigate the Phonetics and Phonology of Less-Resourced Languages
    Mathilde Hutin, and Marc Allassonnière-Tang
    Languages 2022
  6. Inferring case paradigms in Koalib with computational classifiers
    Nicolas Quint, and Marc Allassonnière-Tang
    Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory 2022
  7. The evolutionary trends of noun class systems in Atlantic languages
    Neige Rochant, Marc Allassonnière-Tang, and Chundra Cathcart
    In Proceedings of the Joint Conference on Language Evolution 2022
  8. Investigating phonological theories with crowd-sourced data: The Inventory Size Hypothesis in the light of Lingua Libre
    Mathilde Hutin, and Marc Allassonnière-Tang
    In Proceedings of the 19th SIGMORPHON Workshop on Computational Research in Phonetics, Phonology, and Morphology 2022
  9. Crowd-sourcing for Less-resourced Languages: Lingua Libre for Polish
    Mathilde Hutin, and Marc Allassonnière-Tang
    In Proceedings of the International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation 2022


  1. Expansion by migration and diffusion by contact is a source to the global diversity of linguistic nominal categorization systems
    Marc Allassonnière-Tang, Olof Lundgren, Maja Robbers, and 5 more authors
    Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 2021
  2. Identifying the Russian voiceless non-palatalized fricatives /f/, /s/, and /ʃ/ from acoustic cues using machine learning
    Natalja Ulrich, Marc Allassonnière-Tang, François Pellegrino, and 1 more author
    The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 2021
  3. Investigating the branching of Chinese classifier phrases: Evidence from speech perception and production
    Marc Allassonnière-Tang, Ying-Chun Chen, Nai-Shing Yen, and 1 more author
    Journal of Chinese Linguistics 2021
  4. Syllable Complexity and Morphological Synthesis: A Well-Motivated Positive Complexity Correlation Across Subdomains
    Shelece Easterday, Matthew Stave, Marc Allassonnière-Tang, and 1 more author
    Frontiers in Psychology 2021
  5. Testing Semantic Dominance in Mian Gender: Three Machine Learning Models
    Marc Allassonnière-Tang, Dunstan Brown, and Sebastian Fedden
    Oceanic Linguistics 2021
  6. Interindividual Variation Refuses to Go Away: A Bayesian Computer Model of Language Change in Communicative Networks
    Mathilde Josserand, Marc Allassonnière-Tang, François Pellegrino, and 1 more author
    Frontiers in Psychology 2021
  7. The Diversity of Classifier Inventory in Mandarin Dialects: A Case Study of Baoding
    Na Song, and Marc Allassonnière-Tang
    Faits de Langues 2021
  8. Topic modelling on archive documents from the 1970s: global policies on refugees
    Philip Grant, Ratan Sebastian, Marc Allassonnière-Tang, and 1 more author
    Digital Scholarship in the Humanities 2021
  9. What conditions tone paradigms in Yukuna: Phonological and machine learning approaches
    Magdalena Lemus-Serrano, Marc Allassonnière-Tang, and Dan Dediu
    Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 2021
  10. A corpus study of lexical speech errors in Mandarin
    I-Ping Wan, and Marc Allassonnière-Tang
    Taiwan Journal of Linguistics 2021
  11. An empirical study on the contribution of formal and semantic features to the grammatical gender of nouns
    Ali Basirat, Marc Allassonnière-Tang, and Aleksandrs Berdicevskis
    Linguistics Vanguard 2021
  12. Classifiers in Morphology
    Marcin Kilarski, and Marc Allassonnière-Tang
    In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics 2021
  13. Classifiers in Southeast Asian languages
    Alice Vittrant, and Marc Allassonnière-Tang
    In The languages and Linguistics of Mainland Southeast Asia 2021
  14. The Effect of Word Frequency and Position-in-Utterance in Mandarin Speech Errors: A Connectionist Model of Speech Production
    I.-Ping Wan, and Marc Allassonnière-Tang
    In Chinese Lexical Semantics 2021
  15. Keyword Spotting: A quick-and-dirty method for extracting typological features of language from grammatical descriptions
    Harald Hammarström, One-Soon Her, and Marc Allassonnière-Tang
    In Proceedings of the Swedish Language Technology Conference 2021


  1. The evolutionary trends of grammatical gender in Indo-Aryan languages
    Marc Allassonnière-Tang, and Michael Dunn
    Language Dynamics and Change 2020
  2. A Statistical Explanation of the Distribution of Sortal Classifiers in Languages of the World via Computational Classifiers
    One-Soon Her, and Marc Tang
    Journal of Quantitative Linguistics 2020
  3. Functions of gender and numeral classifiers in Nepali
    Marc Allassonnière-Tang, and Marcin Kilarski
    Poznan Studies in Contemporary Linguistics 2020
  4. A simple introduction to programming and statistics with decision trees in R
    Marc Tang
    Teaching Statistics 2020
  5. Numeral base, numeral classifier, and noun: Word order harmonization
    Marc Allassonnière-Tang, and One-Soon Her
    Language and Linguistics 2020
  6. Sociocultural gender in nominal classification: A study of grammatical gender
    Marc Allassonnière-Tang, and Hiram Ring
    Indian Linguistics 2020
  7. Cross-lingual Embeddings Reveal Universal and Lineage-Specific Patterns in Grammatical Gender Assignment
    Hartger Veeman, Marc Allassonnière-Tang, Aleksandrs Berdicevskis, and 1 more author
    In Proceedings of the 24th Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning 2020


  1. Word order of numeral classifiers and numeral bases
    One-Soon Her, Marc Tang, and Bing-Tsiong Li
    STUF - Language Typology and Universals 2019
  2. Insights on the Greenberg-Sanches-Slobin generalization: Quantitative typological data on classifiers and plural markers
    Marc Tang, and One-Soon Her
    Folia Linguistica 2019
  3. A typology of classifiers and gender: From description to computation
    Marc Tang
    In Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis 2019
  4. Linguistic Information in Word Embeddings
    Ali Basirat, and Marc Tang
    In Agents and Artificial Intelligence 2019
  5. Predicting Speech Errors in Mandarin Based on Word Frequency
    Marc Tang, and I-Ping Wan
    In From Minimal Contrast to Meaning Construct 2019
  6. Review of McGregor & Wichmann (2018) The diachrony of classification systems
    Marc Tang
    Linguistic Variation 2019


  1. The lexical and discourse functions of grammatical gender in Marathi
    Pär Eliasson, and Marc Tang
    Journal of South Asian Languages and Linguistics 2018
  2. The dynamics of nominal classification: Productive and lexicalised uses of gender agreement in Mawng by Ruth Singer
    Marc Tang
    Oceanic Linguistics 2018
  3. Lexical and morpho-syntactic features in word embeddings: A case study of nouns in Swedish
    Ali Basirat, and Marc Tang
    In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence 2018
  4. The coalescence of grammatical gender and numeral classifiers in the general classifier wota in Nepali
    Marcin Kilarski, and Marc Tang
    In Proceedings of the Linguistic Society of America 2018


  1. Explaining the acquisition order of classifiers and measure words via their mathematical complexity
    Marc Tang
    Journal of Child Language Acquisition and Development 2017